Building Nano Services
with OSGi Declarative Services

created by
Dirk Fauth and Peter Kirschner
Know-How inside Powerpoint Presentation

EclipseCon Europe 2016
October 25, 2016 - 09:00 to 12:00

#### Excercise 1 - PDE - Simple Service * **Service API** * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone
#### PDE - open PDE perspective * switch to the Plug-in Development perspective * open perspective button in upper right corner * select the "Plug-in Development" perspective ![pic1](images/eclipse-perspective-button.png) ![pic2](images/pde/01_pde-perspective-selection.png)

PDE - create project for Service API

  • select from menu: File -> New -> Plug-in Project
  • provide as Project name: examples.pde.service.api

PDE - create API interface package

copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.service.api;

public interface StringModifier {
	String modify(String input);

PDE - export the API package

Inside the Manifest Editor on the Runtime Tab
export the package with version 1.0.0

PDE - Service API Bundle Manifest

You successfully created the Service API Bundle if your MANIFEST.MF look like this.

#### Excercise 1 - PDE - Simple Service * Service API * **Service Implementation** * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone

PDE - create project for Service Implementation

  • select from menu: File -> New -> Plug-in Project
  • Project name: examples.pde.impl.inverter

PDE - define dependencies / build path

  • Import package: examples.service.api
  • Specify the upper bound version: 2.0.0
  • Import package: org.osgi.service.component.annotations
  • Specify resolution: optional

PDE - define dependencies / build path

PDE - create implementation

  • copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.impl.inverter;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

public class StringInverterImpl implements StringModifier {
	public String modify(String input) {
		return new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString();

PDE - Implementation Bundle

You successfully created the Impl Bundle if look like this.

#### Excercise 1 - PDE - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * **Service Consumer** * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone

PDE - create project for the consumer

  • select from menu: File -> New -> Plug-in Project
  • Project name: examples.pde.command

PDE - define dependencies / build path

  • Import package: examples.service.api
  • Specify the upper bound version: 2.0.0
  • Import package: org.osgi.service.component.annotations
  • Specify resolution: optional

PDE - define dependencies / build path

PDE - create consumer command

copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.command;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

	property = { 
		"osgi.command.scope"    + "=zExampleModifier",
		"osgi.command.function" + "=modify" }, 
	service = StringModifierCommand.class
public class StringModifierCommand {

	private StringModifier modifier;

	void bindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
		this.modifier = modifier;

	public void modify(String message) {

PDE - @Reference - Event Strategy

update the StringModifierCommand

void bindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
    this.modifier = modifier;

void updatedStringModifier(StringModifier modifier, Map<String, ?> properties) {
    properties.forEach((k,v) -> {System.out.println(k + " : " + v);} );

void unbindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
    this.modifier = null;

public void modify(String message) {
#### Excercise 1 - PDE - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * **Launch from IDE** * Export and launch standalone

PDE - create launch configuration 1/3

  • select from menu: Run -> Run configurations ...
  • right-click OSGi Framework, select New and specify name simple_runtime
  • select the Default Auto-Start: true
  • remove all and then select only the following bundles
    bundle purpose
    examples.pde.command application service consumer
    examples.pde.impl.inverter application service implementation
    examples.pde.service.api application service api
    org.apache.felix.gogo.command OSGi console commands
    org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime OSGi console runtime OSGi console shell

PDE - create launch configuration 2/3

  • additionally add the following bundles
    bundle purpose
    org.eclipse.equinox.console Equinox OSGi console
    org.eclipse.equinox.ds Equinox Declarative Services
    org.eclipse.equinox.util Equinox Util bundle
    org.eclipse.osgi Equinox OSGi runtime Equinox OSGi service interfaces

PDE - create launch configuration 3/3

PDE - execute launch configuration

  • launch the simple_runtime
  • enter in the console view modify example
#### Excercise 1 - PDE - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * **Export and launch standalone**
####PDE - Prepare Equinox standalone runtime * extract the provided resources `````` into e.g. *C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime* * No platform specific launcher! * Customized configurator to support auto starting all installed bundles - [Source on GitHub]( * Adapted ```configuration/config.ini``` * auto-start the auto configurator * ensure the default application is not started * plugins folder contains Equinox bundles

PDE - Export application bundles

  • export bundles via menu File -> Export ... -> Plug-in Development -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments
  • select all examples.pde.*
  • provide directory C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime

PDE - Launch standalone runtime

  • open a cmd/shell window inside C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime
  • launch start.[cmd|sh]
  • type in the console modify example
#### Excercise 1 - bndtools - Simple Service * **Service API** * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone
#### bndtools - open bndtools perspective * switch to the Plug-in Development perspective * open perspective button in upper right corner * select the "Plug-in Development" perspective ![pic1](images/eclipse-perspective-button.png) ![pic2](images/bnd/01_bndtools-perspective-selection.png)

bndtools - create workspace

select from menu:
File -> New -> Bnd OSGi Workspace
GitHub -> bndtools/workspace

bndtools - verify workspace

The Repositories view contains entries, as shown below.

bndtools - create API project and interface package

  • File -> New -> Bnd OSGi Project
  • Select API Project 3.3.0
  • Project Name: examples.bndtools.service.api
  • Java Package: examples.service.api

bndtools - update API interface

  • delete the Example* files in the package
  • copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.service.api;

public interface StringModifier {
	String modify(String input);

bndtools - adding additional Manifest properties

  • Inside the Bnd Editor on the Source Tab add
    Bundle-Name: Example Service API

bndtools - investigate generated bundle

  • you successfully created the Service API Bundle
  • investigate <prj>/generated folder
#### Excercise 1 - bndtools - Simple Service * Service API * **Service Implementation** * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone

bndtools - create implementation project

  • File -> New -> Bnd OSGi Project
  • Select Component Development 3.3.0
  • Project and Java Package Name:

bndtools - define dependencies / build path

  • Inside Bnd Editor on the Build Tab
  • add to the Build Path examples.bndtools.service.api

bndtools - implementation

  • delete the files in the package
  • copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.bndtools.impl.inverter;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

public class StringInverterImpl implements StringModifier {
	public String modify(String input) {
		return new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString();

bndtools - investigate generated bundle

  • you successfully created the impl bundle it looks like this
#### Excercise 1 - bndtools - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * **Service Consumer** * Launch from IDE * Export and launch standalone

bndtools - create consumer project

  • File -> New -> Bnd OSGi Project
  • Select Component Development 3.3.0
  • Project and Java Package Name:

bndtools - define dependencies / build path

  • Inside Bnd Editor on the Build Tab
  • add to the Build Path examples.bndtools.service.api

bndtools - consumer implementation

  • delete the files in the package
  • copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.bndtools.command;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

	property = { 
		"osgi.command.scope"    + "=zExampleModifier",
		"osgi.command.function" + "=modify" }, 
	service = StringModifierCommand.class
public class StringModifierCommand {

	private StringModifier modifier;

	public void modify(String message) {

bndtools - investigate generated bundle

  • consumer bundle is successfully created if it looks like this
#### Excercise 1 - bndtools - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * **Launch from IDE** * Export and launch standalone

bndtools - Launch from IDE - prepare

  • Open the file launch.bndrun from project examples.bndtools.commands
  • Select OSGi Framework org.apache.felix.framework;version='[5.4.0,5.4.0]'
  • Select Execution Environment: JavaSE-1.8
  • In the Run Requirements add the following bundles
    bundle purpose
    examples.pde.command application service consumer
    examples.pde.impl.inverter application service implementation
    examples.pde.service.api application service api
    org.apache.felix.configadmin Apache Configuration Admin
    only required due to bug in Apache Felix SCR 2.0.6
    org.apache.felix.metatype Apache OSGi Metatype Service
    only required due to bug in Apache Felix SCR 2.0.6

bndtools - Launch from IDE - resolve

  • press the resolve button

bndtools - Launch from IDE - run

  • you can now launch this config via button "Run OSGi"
  • enter into the console modify example
#### Excercise 1 - bndtools - Simple Service * Service API * Service Implementation * Service Consumer * Launch from IDE * **Export and launch standalone**

bndtools - export "MegaJar"

  • start export via button Export on the top-right
  • select executable jar
  • Export to JAR: C:\ece2016\inverter.jar

bndtools - run standalone "MegaJar"

  • open a cmd/shell window inside C:\ece2016
  • launch java -jar inverter.jar
  • type in the console modify example
#### Excercise 2 - OSGi console * **Lifecycle Methods** * Explore OSGi console

Excercise 2 - Lifecycle Methods

  • Add @Activate and @Deactivate methods to
    StringInverterImpl and StringModifierCommand

void activate() {
    System.out.println(this.getClass() + " activated");

void deactivate() {
    System.out.println(this.getClass() + " deactivated");
#### Excercise 2 - OSGi console * Lifecycle Methods * **Explore OSGi console**

Excercise 2 - Explore OSGi console

  • Execute in OSGi shell and inspect the behaviour
    Description Equinox in PDE Felix in bndtools
    List all components to see state and component id list scr:list
    Execute the modify command to activate the components and check the console output modify test modify test
    List all components again to verify the state change list scr:list
    Disable StringInverterImpl and check the console output dis <compID> scr:disable examples.bndtools.
    List all components again to verify the state change list scr:list
    Enable StringInverterImpl and check the console output en <compID> scr:enable examples.bndtools.
    List all components again to verify the state change list scr:list
#### Excercise 3 - PDE - Configuration * **Configurable Service** * Configuration Command * Update StringModifierCommand * Launch IDE * Optional exercise

PDE - create project for Configurable Component

  • select from menu: File -> New -> Plug-in Project
  • Project name: examples.pde.impl.configurable

PDE - define dependencies / build path

  • Import package: examples.service.api
  • Specify the upper bound version: 2.0.0
  • Import package: org.osgi.service.component.annotations
  • Specify resolution: optional

PDE - define component properties for DS < 1.3

copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.impl.configurable;

public interface Constants {
	String PREFIX = "prefix";
	String SUFFIX = "suffix";
	String ITERATION = "iteration";
	String UPPER_CASE = "uppercase";
#### PDE - Implementation Configurable Component * create package ```examples.pde.impl.configurable``` * create inside a class ```StringManipulator implements StringModifier``` * set property configuration PID to manipulator * set the configuration policy to REQUIRE * store the Component Properties in a member variable via @Activate and @Modified * implement ```modify(String)``` to create a modified version of the input String taking the configuration into account

PDE - Implementation Configurable Component

if you did not implemented it yourself,
copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.impl.configurable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

public class StringManipulator implements StringModifier {

	Map<String, Object> config;
	void activate(Map<String, Object> config) {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " activated");
		this.config = config;
	void modified(Map<String, Object> config) {
		this.config = config;

	public void deactivate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " de-activated");

	public String modify(String input) {
		String prefix = (String) config.getOrDefault(Constants.PREFIX, "");
		String suffix = (String) config.getOrDefault(Constants.SUFFIX, "");
		Integer iteration = (Integer) config.getOrDefault(Constants.ITERATION, Integer.valueOf(1));
		Boolean upperCase = (Boolean) config.getOrDefault(Constants.UPPER_CASE, Boolean.FALSE);
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
		for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
			builder.append(upperCase ? input.toUpperCase() : input);
		return builder.toString();
#### Excercise 3 - PDE - Configuration * Configurable Service * **Configuration Command** * Update StringModifierCommand * Launch IDE * Optional exercise
#### PDE - Configuration Command * open MANIFEST.MF in examples.pde.impl.configurable * switch to the Dependencies tab * add to the Imported Packages
(don‘t forget the upper bounds!) * create a Gogo Shell command named ```ConfigCommand``` in ```examples.pde.impl.configurable package``` * reference the ConfigurationAdmin service * specify the osgi.command.function=config and implement the corresponding method

PDE - Configuration Command

if you did not implemented it yourself,
copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.impl.configurable;

import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;

	property = { 
	service = ConfigCommand.class)
public class ConfigCommand {

	ConfigurationAdmin cm;
	void setConfigAdmin(ConfigurationAdmin cm) { = cm;
	public void config(String key, String value) throws IOException {
		if (Constants.PREFIX.equals(key) || Constants.SUFFIX.equals(key)) {
			Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("manipulator");
			Dictionary<String, Object> props = null;
			if (config != null && config.getProperties() != null) {
				props = config.getProperties();
			} else {
				props = new Hashtable<>();
			props.put(key, value);
		} else {
			System.err.println("invalid key to value mapping");
	public void config(String key, Integer value) throws IOException {
		if (Constants.ITERATION.equals(key)) {
			Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("manipulator");
			Dictionary<String, Object> props = null;
			if (config != null && config.getProperties() != null) {
				props = config.getProperties();
			} else {
				props = new Hashtable<>();
			props.put(key, value);
		} else {
			System.err.println("invalid key to value mapping");
	public void config(String key, Boolean value) throws IOException {
		if (Constants.UPPER_CASE.equals(key)) {
			Configuration config = cm.getConfiguration("manipulator");
			Dictionary<String, Object> props = null;
			if (config != null && config.getProperties() != null) {
				props = config.getProperties();
			} else {
				props = new Hashtable<>();
			props.put(key, value);
		} else {
			System.err.println("invalid key to value mapping");
#### Excercise 3 - PDE - Configuration * Configurable Service * Configuration Command * **Update StringModifierCommand** * Launch IDE * Optional exercise
#### PDE - Update StringModifierCommand * change the implementation of ```StringModifierCommand``` to reference multiple ```StringModifier``` * it needs ```AT_LEAST_ONE``` to be satisfied * add an updated event method to get notified on configuration changes * this method will only get called after the ```StringModifierCommand``` is activated (```modify``` needs to be called once)

PDE - Update StringModifierCommand

if you did not implemented it yourself,
copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.pde.command;

import java.util.*;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

		property = { 
		service = StringModifierCommand.class
public class StringModifierCommand {

	private List<StringModifier> modifier = new ArrayList<>();

	void activate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " activated");

	void deactivate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " deactivated");
	void bindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
	void unbindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
	void updatedStringModifier(StringModifier modifier, Map<String, Object> properties) {
		System.out.println(modifier.getClass() + " configuration updated");
		properties.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " = " + value));

	public void modify(String input) {
		modifier.forEach(m -> System.out.println(m.modify(input)));

#### Excercise 3 - PDE - Configuration * Configurable Service * Configuration Command * Update StringModifierCommand * **Launch IDE** * Optional exercise

PDE - Launch in IDE

  • copy an existing Run Configuration and name it configurable_runtime
  • add the following bundles:
    bundle purpose
    examples.pde.impl.configurable Application Bundle Equinox Configuration Admin Service
    org.eclipse.equinox.metatype Equinox Metatype Service
  • run
  • execute in console: config uppercase true
  • execute in console: modify test
  • verify the result
#### Excercise 3 - PDE - Configuration * Configurable Service * Configuration Command * Update StringModifierCommand * Launch IDE * **Optional exercise**

PDE - Optional exercise 1/2

  • stop the examples.pde.impl.configurable bundle
  • verify that the StringModifierCommand gets deactivated
  • stop the examples.pde.impl.configurable bundle
  • change the StringModifier reference to dynamic
    void bindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {

PDE - Optional exercise 2/2

  • start the application
  • stop the examples.pde.impl.configurable bundle
  • verify that the StringModifierCommand is not deactivated
#### Excercise 4 - bndtools - Webconsole * **Configurable Service** * Update StringModifierCommand * Launch IDE * Export and launch standalone

bndtools - create project for configurable component

  • File -> New -> Bnd OSGi Project
  • Select API Project 3.3.0
  • Project Name: examples.bndtools.impl.configurable

bndtools - define dependencies / build path

  • Inside Bnd Editor on the Build Tab
  • add to the Build Path examples.bndtools.service.api
#### bndtools - Implementation Configurable Component * create package ```examples.bndtools.impl.configurable``` * create inside a class ```StringManipulator implements StringModifier``` * set property configuration PID to manipulator * set the configuration policy to REQUIRE * store the Component Properties in a member variable via @Activate and @Modified * implement ```modify(String)``` to create a modified version of the input String taking the configuration into account

bndtools - Implementation Configurable comp.

  • delete the files in the package
  • copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.bndtools.impl.configurable;

import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.Designate;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = "StringManipulator Configuration")
@interface StringManipulatorConfig {
	String prefix() default "";
	String suffix() default "";
	int repeat() default 1;
	boolean uppercase() default false;

	configurationPid = "manipulator", 
	configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE
@Designate(ocd = StringManipulatorConfig.class)
public class StringManipulator implements StringModifier {

	StringManipulatorConfig config;

	void activate(StringManipulatorConfig config) {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " activated");
		this.config = config;

	void modified(StringManipulatorConfig config) {
		this.config = config;

	public void deactivate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " de-activated");

	public String modify(String input) {
		String prefix = config.prefix();
		String suffix = config.suffix();
		Integer iteration = config.repeat();
		Boolean upperCase = config.uppercase();

		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

		for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
			builder.append(upperCase ? input.toUpperCase() : input);


		return builder.toString();
#### Excercise 4 - bndtools - Webconsole * Configurable Service * **Update StringModifierCommand** * Launch IDE * Export and launch standalone
#### bndtools - Update StringModifierCommand * change the implementation of ```StringModifierCommand``` to reference multiple ```StringModifier``` * it needs ```AT_LEAST_ONE``` to be satisfied * add an updated event method to get notified on configuration changes * this method will only get called after the ```StringModifierCommand``` is activated (```modify``` needs to be called once)

bndtools - Update StringModifierCommand

if you did not implemented it yourself,
copy the following snippet and paste it into src folder

package examples.bndtools.command;

import java.util.*;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;
import examples.service.api.StringModifier;

		property = { 
		service = StringModifierCommand.class
public class StringModifierCommand {

	private List<StringModifier> modifier = new ArrayList<>();

	void activate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " activated");

	void deactivate() {
		System.out.println(this.getClass() + " deactivated");
	void bindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
	void unbindStringModifier(StringModifier modifier) {
	void updatedStringModifier(StringModifier modifier, Map<String, Object> properties) {
		System.out.println(modifier.getClass() + " configuration updated");
		properties.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " = " + value));

	public void modify(String input) {
		modifier.forEach(m -> System.out.println(m.modify(input)));
#### Excercise 4 - bndtools - Webconsole * Configurable Service * Update StringModifierCommand * **Launch IDE** * Export and launch standalone

bndtools - Launch from IDE - prepare 1/3

  • Open the file launch.bndrun from project examples.bndtools.impl.configurable
  • Select OSGi Framework org.apache.felix.framework;version='[5.4.0,5.4.0]'
  • Select Execution Environment: JavaSE-1.8
  • In the Run Requirements add the following bundles
    bundle purpose
    examples.bndtools.service.commdn application service consumer
    examples.bndtools.impl.inverter application service implementation
    examples.bndtools.impl.configurable application service configurable implementation
    examples.bndtools.service.api application service api

bndtools - Launch from IDE - prepare 2/3

  • In the Run Requirements add the following bundles
    bundle purpose Gogo OSGi shell
    org.apache.felix.gogo.command Gogo OSGi commands
    org.apache.felix.webconsole Webconsole
    org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.ds Webconsole Plugin
#### bndtools - Launch from IDE 3/3 * resolve * press button Run OSGi * open a Webbrowser on URL: http://localhost:8080/system/console * enter Webconsole credentials (user and password: admin) * navigate to OSGi -> Configuration * provide a StringManipulator Configuration * enter in the console modify example
#### Excercise 4 - bndtools - Webconsole * Configurable Service * Update StringModifierCommand * Launch IDE * **Export and launch standalone**

bndtools - export "MegaJar"

  • start export via button Export on the top-right
  • select executable jar
  • Export to JAR: C:\ece2016\webconsole.jar

bndtools - run standalone "MegaJar"

  • open a cmd/shell window inside C:\ece2016
  • launch java -jar webconsole.jar
  • open a Webbrowser: localhost:8080/system/console
  • enter Webconsole credentials (user and password: admin)
  • navigate to OSGi -> Configuration
  • provide a StringManipulator Configuration
  • type in the console modify example
#### Excercise 4 - PDE - Webconsole

PDE - Launch from IDE with Webconsole 1/2

  • copy an existing Run Configuration and name it webconsole
  • add the following bundles:
    bundle purpose
    javax.servlet Servlet API
    org.apache.felix.webconsole Apache Felix Webconsole (all)
    org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty Equinox OSGi Http Service
    org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet Equinox OSGi Http Service
    org.eclipse.jetty.continuation Eclipse Jetty
    org.eclipse.jetty.http Eclipse Jetty Eclipse Jetty Eclipse Jetty
    org.eclipse.jetty.server Eclipse Jetty
    org.eclipse.jetty.servlet Eclipse Jetty
    org.eclipse.jetty.util Eclipse Jetty
#### PDE - Launch from IDE with Webconsole 2/2 * switch to the Arguments tab * add to the VM arguments: ```-Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8888``` * run * [open a Webbrowser: localhost:8888/system/console](http://localhost:8888/system/console) * enter Webconsole credentials (user and password: admin) * explore the webconsole
#### PDE - Launch standalone runtime with Webconsole * extract the provide archive into e.g. *C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime* * start the application with the start_jetty.[bat|sh] script * open a Webbrowser on URL: http://localhost:8888/system/console * enter Webconsole credentials * user: admin * password: admin * **Not working? - see next slide**
#### PDE - Launch standalone runtime with Webconsole * Problem analysis Jetty / Webconsole * check if the Jetty Http Service is started * list all installed bundles via console (ss | lb) * determine the bundle id of Jetty Http Service / ```org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty``` * start that bundle via ```start <bundle-id>```
#### Excercise 5 - PDE - Remote Service Admin

Remote Service properties

Modify the StringManipulator and add the necessary Remote Service Admin properties

    property= { "service.exported.interfaces=*",
                "service.exported.configs=ecf.generic.server" }
public class StringManipulator implements StringModifier {

Launch from IDE with RSA 1/2 - host

  • copy existing Run Configuration configurable_runtime and name it ecf_host_config
  • add the following bundles:
    bundle purpose
    javax.servlet Servlet API Eclipse / Equinox Concurrency
    org.eclipse.equinox.common Eclipse / Equinox Concurrency
    org.eclipse.equinox.concurrent Eclipse / Equinox Concurrency
    org.eclipse.equinox.event Eclipse / Equinox Event Admin

Launch from IDE with RSA 2/2 - host

  • additionally add the following bundles from
    Eclipse Communication Framework
  • org.eclipse.ecf
  • org.eclipse.ecf.discovery
  • org.eclipse.ecf.identity
  • org.eclipse.ecf.provider
  • org.eclipse.ecf.provider.jmdns
  • org.eclipse.ecf.provider.remoteservice
  • org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice
  • org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.asyncproxy
  • org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.eventadmin
  • org.eclipse.ecf.sharedobject

Launch in standalone runtime - Equinox/PDE

  • extract the provided archive to the plugins directory of the created runtime e.g. C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime
  • export bundles via
    File -> Export… -> Plug-in Development -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments
  • press Next
  • select the created example bundles: examples.pde.*
  • select the runtime directory (e.g. C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime)
  • press Finish

start the application with the start script:

Launch in standalone runtime - Equinox

  • export bundles via
    File -> Export… -> Plug-in Development -> Deployable plug-ins and fragments
  • press Next
  • select the created example bundles: examples.pde.*
  • select the runtime directory (e.g. C:\ece2016\equinox_oxygen_runtime)
  • press Finish

start the application with the start script:

### blog posts * [Getting Started with OSGi Declarative Services]( * [OSGi Component Testing]( * [Configuring OSGi Declarative Services](
### standards and references * [OSGi specifications]( * [enRoute Documentation]( * [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0]( * [LDAP search filter syntax](