IDEfix - Jumpstart IoT in Java with OSGi enRoute - JFS2016

This pages supplements the presentation Jumpstart IoT in Java with OSGi enRoute at Java Forum Stuttgart 2016

It contains product and project configurations for Eclipse Oomph Installer.

If you have questions you can use the Gitter Chat room



open a terminal/shell create a installation directory <instDir> e.g. mkdir ~/<instDir>


  • copy the following line and execute it inside <instDir>
  • IDE and Project selection

    1. on the top-right folder icon mark the OSGi products [required only after initial installation]
    2. select from the section at the bottomOSGi products the product you want to install IDEfix for OSGi Neon and press Next
    3. on the top-right folder icon mark the OSGi projects [required only after initial installation]
    4. scroll down to OSGi projects and check the projects you want to work enRoute IoT example on and press Next
    5. configure the variables you want to adapt and press Next
    6. review the tasks and if satisfied press Finish
    7. Press "Accept" in the appearing "Licenses" pop-up window
    8. EclipseInstaller is installing the Eclipse IDE. A new Window with IDE should appear with the Welome screen open. When you close it you see the "Bndtools - Eclipse" perspective open. Wait a little bit for the EclipseInstaller to complete the check-out and import tasks for the project setup within the IDE.
    9. The Eclipse Installer window can be closed now and the development IDE with your project is ready.

    Subsequent Startups of installed IDE for OSGi

    Subsequent Startups of eclipseInstaller


    the installation creates (additionally to the <installDir> folder) following directories (~ means %USERPROFILE% on windows)

    1. ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.oomph.* containing the oomph preferences and user-specified variables
    2. ~/.p2 containing the shared bundle pool for all oomph installations